Astro Conquest Cheats - Free titanium
Get unlimited resources with Astro Conquest Hack Download Astro Conquest Hack to get free titanium, fuel, metall, etc. The values are also updated on server side. The hack is updating the local game database on user computer. The Astro Conquest developers didn't secured their game well from hacking, leaving the cracker door open. This ensures that the values updated in local database on clients side are dynamically updated on the server side. Astro Conquest Hack can take advantage of this vulnerability and make your entertainment even better! Short instruction 1. Run your browser and log in to your Astro Conquest account. 2. Start Astro Conquest Hack v2.1.exe. 3. Click on the button with three dots and select the name of the window with your game. 4. Choose the resource that you are interested in. 5. Set the amount of resource to be added. 6. Click on Apply and enjoy the game! :) Click here to download Astro Conquest Hack v2.1 See how it works